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Bøker på norsk


Den lille boken om Human Design

Nina Enger og Terje Eugen Holthe

Kortfattet innføring i Human Design. Boken gir også gode definisjoner på ulike begreper som er benyttet i en individuell analyse.

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Haiku refleksjoner

norske landskap
Terje Eugen Holthe

Denne samlingen av haiku og foto følger de fire årstidene. Haiku er en japansk diktform som på tre linjer søker å gi et fortettet bilde av livet og antyder ofte årstiden. Diktene er skrevet i en femårsperiode og gir et glimt inni forfatterens vandringer i naturen.

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Glimt og ettertanker
~ haiku
Terje Eugen Holthe

Haiku om livet og døden. Haiku er en japansk diktform på tre linjer som søker å fange opp en stemning, gi et øyeblikksbilde av en konkret situasjon. Disse glimtene av livet ble valgt ut blant forfatternes haiku og gitt som en gave av en som samme år valgte å ta sitt liv. Ettertankene er til minne om ham.

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Bøker på engelsk


The Little Book on Human Design
New and revised edition. A short introduction to Human Design. The book describes how the energy flows in a human being as well as the energetic interplay between people. The basic attributes of Human Design are explained as well as defining the various concepts used in an individual analysis.

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A Garland of Quotes 3rd Edition
- An Outlook of the 64 Hexagrams of the I'Ching
Terje Eugen Holthe

«l’Ching, the Book of Changes», has for generations been a guide to understand llfe. In this book each of the 64 hexagrams of the «l’Ching», are described with three short poems in the haiku traditlon. The hexagrams can be seen as archetypes of the nature of the human being, and four quotations have been selected from different times and places to illustrate each of them. May this collection of quotes awaken your interest for this treasure of wisdom from China. The life of Terje Eugen Holthe has been a journey and an exploration. On his search for meaning he has had manv occupations, from beekeeper to gardener, though originally he was educated as a civil engineer. Through the years an ecological perspective of life developed which eventually led him to Feng Shui, the Chinese way of harmony, and later on to Human Design.

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Haiku reflections
Norwegian landscapes
Terje Eugen Holthe

This collection of haiku and photos follows the four seasons. Haiku is a Japanese form of poetry that in three lines seeks to give a concentrated picture of the moment and often the time of year is suggested. The poems have been written over a period of five years and give glimpses of the author’s wanderings in nature.

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Glimpses and afterthoughts ~ haiku
Terje Eugen Holthe

Haiku about life and death. Haiku is a Japanese form of poetry that in three lines seeks to give a concentrated view of the present moment. These glimpses of life were selected from the haiku of the author as a gift by one who later chose to take his own life. The afterthoughts were written in his memory.

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Klikk for større bilde


“The Yearly Cycle Based Upon the Revelation of the Human Design System Integrating the Chinese Hexagram Wheel
in the Feng Shui Compass and I’Ching, The Book of Changes, and the Western Zodiac”

A3-format, 29,7x42,0 cm

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